Tag: Media
These 90s Trends Are Making a Comeback
If you’ve spent your socially distant summer binge watching Friends, you’ve no doubt noticed that a lot of the show’s previously outdated ...Need a “Mental Break?” Here Are a Few Ways to Destress
With so much happening in our world today, we need mental breaks now more than ever. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the ...Self Care in the Midst of 2020
Self care was important before a global pandemic caused millions of people to suffer. Now it is even more so. …Getting Started on Meditation
Meditation and mindfulness are definite buzzwords these days, and for good reason. Meditation can help you manage your stress levels …10 Diverse Books On Our Reading List For 2020
There has always been a need for diverse books, but the topic feels especially relevant today. Whether you’re looking for …These TV Shows Are Coming Back This Fall and We Can’t Wait
With fall comes cooler weather, the starting of school, sweaters and sports. Unfortunately, this upcoming fall season will be unlike …Ease Into Your Workflow Now that the Holidays are Over
Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to get back on your work grind. Hopefully the few days off …“Elder Millennials” are stoked for “Saved By The Bell” reboot.
Elder millennials are urgently waiting for the Saved by the Bell reboot to release coming in April 2020. The Millennial …Tie-Dye is the New Black
If you’ve been on any social media platform recently, you’re sure to have seen someone wearing tie-dye. A tie-dye sweatsuit …The 7 Chakras And How Knowing Them Can Help You
If you practice meditation, or even participate in certain types of yoga or reiki sessions, then you might have heard …